boy smiling

School Life

Life at Kensington Wade

As children arrive at Kensington Wade each morning they are welcomed by English and Chinese staff ready to fill their day with challenge and fun.

Alongside receiving a first-class prep school education, pupils at Kensington Wade will leave fully able to speak, understand, read and write Chinese. We achieve this through an immersive model so the children at Kensington Wade spend half their day being taught in English in an English environment and the other half of the day in a Chinese classroom being taught in Chinese.

A typical day at Kensington Wade would see mathematics followed by comprehension, writing, music, science, PE and reading – just the same as in any other prep school – the only difference is that at Kensington Wade for half the day those lessons are taught in Chinese.

At Kensington Wade we take curriculum delivery very seriously. We have a slightly extended school day so we are able to teach more English and more mathematics than many other prep schools as well as first-rate specialist teaching with a strong focus on computing, coding, STEM subjects, sport and music.

At Kensington Wade we have a whole school assembly twice a week and one assembly each week includes presentations or performances from our pupils in both English and Chinese. We have a mid-morning break and an hour break at lunchtime. School finishes at 3.30pm but many children stay at school to participate in a wide range of co-curricular clubs. We also offer after school care until 6pm.

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER