BeiBei Wang performing at Chinese New Year party

Kensington Wade wins the ISA Award 2022 for Innovation in Education

3rd January 23

We are absolutely delighted to have been crowned winners of the ISA Award for Innovation in Independent Education at the ISA Awards 2022 in November!

We have been told that the quality of entries this year was very high but the judges were particularly impressed by the work taking place in our school. Feedback from the judges stated, “Kensington Wade won this award for their successful introduction of the first immersion bilingual Anglo-Chinese school in the UK. The school not only provides a blended curriculum described by inspectors as ‘rich and ambitious’ embracing British and Chinese traditions, but it is delivered half in English and half in Chinese, following a model common elsewhere in the world but unique in the UK.”

Rudolph Eliott Lockhart, Chief Executive Officer at ISA said of our win, “ISA launched this award this year to celebrate how schools across our membership use their independence to provide innovative methods of learning that deliver outstanding outcomes. We’re delighted to name Kensington Wade as the inaugural winners of the award. This is the first dual language British-Chinese Prep School in Europe. Not only do they offer a blended curriculum, which is taught in both languages, but also diverse ways for students to embrace both cultures. Pupils become skilled intercultural navigators for the realities of our diverse society.”

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