girls looking at picture books

About Us

What Makes Us Unique

Kensington Wade is an exciting and new type of school. We are the first and only bilingual English-Chinese prep school in Europe. Our aim is to provide our pupils with the skills they will need to succeed in an ever-changing world.

First and foremost, Kensington Wade is a high-quality British prep school, preparing our pupils for 11+ assessments and entry into their chosen secondary school. We follow a British curriculum but what makes us unique is the fact that 50% of the curriculum is delivered in Chinese. At Kensington Wade half of the day is spent learning in a Chinese environment and the remainder in English.

Our pupils come from a wide range of backgrounds. Many of the families at Kensington Wade do not speak Chinese at home. They may speak another language but what all our families share is an understanding of the considerable benefits of bilingualism, and the value of learning a language from an early age in an immersive setting – particularly Chinese.

Within weeks of joining Kensington Wade, all children are greeting each other, singing, counting and playing in Chinese. This fluency and ease in both languages is developed throughout their time with us, and they rapidly develop the ability to converse at a high level on any subject, and to read and write in Chinese using traditional characters.

Another big focus at Kensington Wade is the development of bi-cultural understanding amongst our pupils, enabling them to have a global and multicultural perspective.

Our innovative curriculum really engages and excites the children whilst also giving them a lifelong skill and advantage for the future.

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER