student talking to the Head

Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

The happiness and wellbeing of our children is a huge priority at Kensington Wade and we have an open and caring culture. We work extremely closely with our families to make sure that their children feel safe and loved by every member of our staff.

Every pupil at Kensington Wade is genuinely known as an individual by all staff and every child is treated as an important member of our school community. We value the opinions of our pupils and they have the opportunity to represent our School Council. We actively offer opportunities for every child to succeed and we all celebrate and share their happiness when they do.

We have dedicated time at staff meetings for pastoral care matters and the Head meets regularly with teaching staff to discuss pupils’ wellbeing and progress.

Form teachers hold termly progress meetings with their parents and, as a school, Kensington Wade has an ‘open door’ policy with parents encouraged to come into school to share any concerns they may have with us.

At Kensington Wade we foster close relationships with our families and we are most definitely a school for all children. It does not matter if a child’s family does not speak Chinese, we are well equipped for this and provide support for help at home.

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER