young students hugging each other

Moving Up

Pupils at Kensington Wade who join us in the nursery move up to Reception at the start of the academic year in which they turn five. The school’s expectation for our nursery pupils is that they will continue at Kensington Wade through to Year 6.

The environment and experience of the nursery at Kensington Wade prepares pupils to progress seamlessly through the rest of the school. The bilingual environment of the nursery lays an excellent foundation for pupils in both the Chinese and English languages, and the curriculum is also carefully designed to develop the skills needed by pupils in Reception and beyond – from communication, literacy and mathematics to social and physical development.

Pupils in our nursery come to the main school for their lunch and assemblies and will already know the Reception staff which also makes the transfer much easier.

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER