

Music is an important part of life at Kensington Wade. The children in every year group, from Nursery to Year 6, have at least two music lessons per week from a specialist teacher, during which they are exposed to a variety of musical opportunities through singing, listening, composing and performing.

Pupils also immerse themselves in Chinese music, one of the world’s oldest and most complex musical systems. They learn the Hulusi (葫芦丝) alongside the recorder, perform on Chinese percussion instruments, learn Peking Opera performance skills and study Jianpu (简谱) notation.

In addition to classroom music, we offer in-school instrumental lessons and an extensive range of optional music extension including choirs, orchestra, Chinese music club, musical theatre and composition/music technology club.

Children are encouraged to celebrate their hard work and achievements throughout the year with a wide range of performance opportunities. These include Christmas nativity plays, termly assemblies and instrumental concerts and an end of year Chinese production.

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER