football pitch

Location & Facilities

Kensington Wade is located on Fulham Palace Road in west London. The location is well served by public transport, by the school’s own minibus service and by car. The main school entrance for children is on Colwith Road.

Kensington Wade has a spacious nursery building with its own outdoor space, a music room, a large hall and two outdoor playgrounds where children spend their break times and have sports lessons. The school is opposite the Charing Cross Sports Club and swimming pool which provides an easily accessible venue for our weekly swimming lessons. Reception children also visit a Forest School each week.

We are expanding and continually investing in our facilities. In September 2023 we opened our new ‘West Wing’ which houses a well-equipped STEAM room, two new classrooms and a reading and specialist classroom. The school’s indoor facilities extend to over 12,000 square feet.

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER