Eco School Status

Eco School Status & Green Flag Award

At Kensington Wade, we have begun the journey of becoming an international, Green Flag Awarded Eco-School. The Eco School’s programme is designed to raise environmental awareness amongst young people and in England it is run by the environmental charity: Keep Britain Tidy. The programme is the largest educational programme in the world and is present in nearly 70 countries with millions of children participating. Our school is now part of this global community working to create environmental change for the benefit of our children and future generations. 

Eco Club

Our Eco Club consists of a group of children from Years 1 – 6 who meet with the Eco Co-ordinator once a week to brainstorm ideas on the following themes: 

  •  Waste/Global Citizenship 
  •  Healthy Living 
  •    Biodiversity 

 The Eco Club works closely with members of the senior leadership team, different staff members, fellow students, and the wider community to help our school become more sustainable and environmentally friendly. From science to humanities, our curriculum promotes eco-consciousness through plant studies, climate change exploration, and creative projects using recyclable materials. 

Our Eco Club is constantly monitoring the recycling, reducing, and reusing of resources at Kensington Wade and has led several whole school campaigns and events, including recycled fashion shows, book swap days, biodiversity-conscious gardening sessions and working with the school catering team to optimise food usage. 

At Kensington Wade, we embrace daily habits that reflect environmental responsibility—recycling, respecting nature, and fostering care for all living beings. 

Get in Touch
Fulham Palace Road, London W6 9ER