BeiBei Wang performing at Chinese New Year party

Kensington Wade is shortlisted for the ISA STEAM Competition 2023

22nd February 23

Congratulations to Haochang, Zoe and Julia in Year 5 who have been shortlisted for the ISA STEAM Competition 2023 in the KS2 category for their fantastic rocket project!

The pupils set themselves the aim of creating an airborne rocket. They did lots of research on rockets before designing their own and then building a prototype. Unfortunately, their prototype flew sideways so they learnt the important lesson of going back to the drawing board! Their next prototype had a more solid base and launched upwards into the sky. They then made some more modifications to their rocket design so the top would be able to detach by using a balloon.

Well done to the pupils for their determination in this project and congratulations to our fantastic Head of STEAM, Shane Chen, too!

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