BeiBei Wang performing at Chinese New Year party

鄧麗君 Teresa Teng Foundation Visits Kensington Wade

22nd January 24

Family members and leaders of the charitable foundation of the venerated pop icon Teresa Teng 鄧麗君 today visited Kensington Wade.

As one of the most successful and influential Asian pop singers in history, Teresa Teng is often referred to as the “Eternal Queen of Asian Pop.” The visit from the Teresa Teng Foundation to Kensington Wade, where students are immersed in both English and Chinese language and culture, demonstrates a shared commitment to education, music and cultural understanding.

Huw May said “The nascent collaboration between the Teresa Teng Foundation and Kensington Wade aims to create lasting partnerships that promote cultural exchange, language learning, and musical appreciation. The shared vision is to nurture the next generation of global citizens with a deep understanding and appreciation for both Eastern and Western music and cultures.”

During the visit, Kensington Wade students showcased their talents with a wonderful Chinese musical performance of Teresa Teng’s song – 但愿人长久leaving the esteemed guests thoroughly impressed.

Teng Chanfu 邓长富,  President of the Teresa Teng Foundation, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, saying ‘Seeing these students interpret Chinese classic songs so skilfully, expressing their passion for music in authentic Chinese, and having such a profound understanding of Chinese music and culture, is truly inspiring. Music is a bridge between cultures, there are no barriers with music’

Wang Jing, Deputy Head and Head of the Chinese Programme at Kensington Wade said “She was the first music idol that I had. Her elegant singing inspired me and taught me how to sing. It is so gentle yet powerful. She is such a legend and I will continue to share her music with our students!”


今天,备受尊崇的流行偶像邓丽君的慈善基金会(Teresa Teng Foundation)家庭成员和领导人莅临肯辛顿·韦德学校,展开了与这所欧洲首家中英双语沉浸式学校的紧密合作。




肯辛顿·韦德学校校长Huw May对音乐充满热忱,并把这份热忱带给了整个学校。Huw May校长作为一位在皇家威尔士音乐学院取得高级学位的专业古典歌剧歌手,再加上他个人的双语教育经历,进一步提升了他对音乐和双语教育在教育中的重要性的理解。


Huw May校长表示:“邓丽君基金会与肯辛顿·韦德学校的合作旨在建立持久的伙伴关系,促进文化交流、语言学习和音乐欣赏。我们共同的愿景是培养下一代全球公民,使他们深刻理解和欣赏东西方音乐和文化。”







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